Thursday 24 

Thursday 24

I just remembered that Thursday the 24 might not be the same for everyone. Is it the same day on the 24th here as it is there? Um...I think so. Ha..wierd thought.

So did i say that i love the bottled food here? Like ketchup and mayo and red pepper paste, and thousand island dressing....they're all in plastic bottles that are soft and easy to squeeze. They have a dispenser or hole in the top that is shaped like a when you squeeze the mayo it comes out looking pretty! All of them have that so far! How cool is that?

I have to go and get some Korean mustard, which I must say is my favorite of mustards that I've tasted so far. There's regular type yellow mustard, and then there's a spicier version that I love. GOtta get me some! The ketchup doesnt have vinegar in it and I wish it did. But it's not bad at's probably real tomatoes!

I cant' seem to spell right with this keyboard, I swear. It's wierd. Or maybe I'mjust being lazy. Probably the latter.

Man, I'm getting restless. I come home and sit here on the puter and watching TV. I gotta get out and do something. I'm losing weight anyway, but I really want to get more active. Taekwondo as sooon as I get paid for sure!!! I'm starting to eat cuz I'm bored, and that's not good.

I went to the post office today to try to mail a letter, and that is kindof interesting when you dont have your Korean book with you! I dont know where I put it. Help! But it went fine, considering. I need an envelope, a stamp, or some way to send it fast to Canada. The girl was pretty good, but at one point she said "help me" in English! Meaning that she needed help. Koreans are so cute (bashful) when they are shy because they dont know English and I think they get the feeling that they should. Poor things.

It's fun to empty the garbage here...well I guess u could call it interesting rather than fun. You have to buy bags at the grocery store, and everything is recycled by law. I bring my bag out to the telephone pole right outside my front door of the building..and that's it. Its picked up once a day! I like that idea. Your compost goes out there too...and everyone has a compost bucket. Not exactly sure how that works yet, but we'll see soon enough.

Today at school was interesting. There's a class where I teach the 2 youngest ones, and they're quite fun because there is just 2 of them and I pretty much just play with them and say words in english that they do or something similar like that. Brian and Abby. Abby just looks like a doll..she's so cute.

The crazy class from hell was another story today. I teach them everyday, and it just seems to go downhill. Today I just walked out of the class and said i was going to call their parents if they didnt smarten up. It's really qutie rediculous. There are 5 boys and one girl. I think a lot of it is because I have a nice girly voice, and they dont take me seriously for one, and that they either ignore or dont understand me when I ask them to sit down and listen. No, that not true because I kNOW they understand those two or three words. They just dont want to study and sit there.

They're the class that no one wants to teach, so I just am not sure what to do. One of the other Korean teachers came in and told them to sit and listen to me, and that helped for about 5 minutes. I think that they are bored and maybe think that this is too easy a little. But at the same time I think they can learn by using the language, if they'd only sit there and help me teach them! I need to find more games for them to do..and have/make the time to prepare them. I had a good one all ready to go today, but I couldn't get their attention enough to even do it! Grrrrr.....!!! What ended up happening finally was I asked them about games they liked, and that helped for about 3 minutes!

I asked to switch classes with John tomorrow to see if that helps because he's a man and his voice might convey the message better. So we'll see. I'd be curious to see if that makes a difference. Sad but true.

Oh, apparently it's going to be getting colder here in Korea. Probably in January. And I found out that I have anywhere from 2 days to a week off between Christmas and New Years. So we'll see.

Kay, I gotta go do some student reports for tomorrow. If any of you have any suggestions for keeping kids in line, let me know ASAP!!! Later people!!!

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